Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A New Beginning

Okay, we’re blogging now. Why? A couple of reasons:
  1. Convenience. The site had become an example of the cobbler’s children going shoeless. In this case, the web developer found little time to keep his own family’s website up to date. It takes all of five minutes to set up a Blogger account and start publishing. More things in our ultramoderntimestarved culture should be this easy.
  2. We felt like it. We felt like blogging not because we want to be trendy; we just felt like writing about stuff. This is an easy and fun way to do that (see point number 1).
I might find the time to create a custom design template, but it is not a priority. And now that we have no excuse for not posting more often, we hope those of you that are interested will have a reason to browse our way frequently.

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